09 Mar

How to Perfectly Center the Revit Tag Leader Line

In this video, I demonstrate a simple yet effective technique to precisely center the Revit tag leader line. By using an invisible line to control the scope box around tag labels, you can ensure that the leader line snaps exactly to the correct point. This method improves both the accuracy and visual clarity of your tags in Revit. Watch the full tutorial to see it in action!

👉 Watch now:

11 Jun

Engipedia Layers Manager PRO, Revit® Add-in


Engipedia Layers Manager PRO is a powerful add-in designed to enhance your experience with Revit®. It allows you to easily tag, annotate, and schedule layered materials and their thicknesses in various Revit® categories, including Walls, Floors, Pads, Ceilings, Structural Foundations, and Roofs. Additionally, the add-in provides the ability to export material layers to Excel or CSV for further analysis.


Try it now on the Autodesk® App Store! A 30-day free trial is available.


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11 Dec

Create and Change Revit® Family Instance with Dynamo Python

Creation of Revit® family instances with Python code in Dynamo is easy to do if you have the right code snippet. So I am sharing it here.

Code snippet shows how to do few useful tasks:

  • How to select particular Revit® family and type.
  • How to create instance of a type.
  • How to get particular parameter.
  • How to set particular parameter.
  • How to rotate family around it’s placement point (around Z axis).

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06 Jun

Supported Multi-Category Schedule Categories in Revit®

It is important to know that Revit® does not support all Revit® categories when creating Multi-Categories Schedule or Material Takeoffs.

Not knowing that may lead to omissions and wrong quantities.

The following table shows supported Revit® Categories in Multi-Categories Schedules.

Multi-Category Schedule – Supported Revit® Categories

Air Terminals
Area Loads
Cable Tray Fittings
Cable Tray Runs
Cable Trays
Communication Devices
Conduit Fittings
Conduit Runs
Curtain Panels
Curtain Systems
Data Devices
Duct Accessories
Duct Fittings
Duct Insulations
Duct Linings
Duct Placeholders
Electrical Equipment
Electrical Fixtures
Fabric Wire
Fire Alarm Devices
Flex Ducts
Flex Pipes
Furniture Systems
Generic Models
Lighting Devices
Lighting Fixtures
Line Loads
Mechanical Equipment
Nurse Call Devices
Pipe Accessories
Pipe Fittings
Pipe Insulations
Pipe Placeholders
Plumbing Fixtures
Security Devices
Specialty Equipment
Structural Columns
Structural Connections
  – Anchors
  – Bolts
  – Plates
  – Profiles
  – Shear Studs
  – Welds
Structural Fabric Reinforcement
Structural Foundations
Structural Framing
Structural Rebar
Structural Rebar Couplers
Structural Trusses
Telephone Devices
МЕР Fabrication Containment
МЕР Fabrication Ductwork
МЕР Fabrication Hangers
МЕР Fabrication Pipework


Linked topics:

Nepodržane Revit kategorije u tablicama iskaza količina materijala

Revit kategorije koje se mogu i ne mogu rezati (presjeći)

06 Jun

Unsupported Revit® Categories in Schedules and Material Takeoffs

It is important to know that Revit® does not support all Revit® categories when creating Multi-Categories Schedule or Material Takeoffs. Look at the list of supported categories here.

Not knowing that may lead to omissions and wrong quantities.

The following two tables are listing unsupported Revit® Categories in Revit® Material Takeoffs and Multi-Categories Schedules.

Unsupported Material Takeoff Categories

Curtain Wall Mullions
 – Handrails
Roof Soffits
Slab Edges
 – Landings
 – Supports
Wall Sweeps


Unsupported Multi-Categories Schedules Categories

Curtain Wall Mullions
Detail Items
 – Slab Edges
 – Mass Exterior Wall
 – Mass Floor
 – Mass Glazing
 – Mass Interior Wall
 – Mass Opening
 – Mass Roof
 – Mass Skylight
 – Mass Zone
Multi-segmented Grid
Property Lines
 – Property Line Segments
 – Railings Balusters
 – Railings Handrails
 – Railings Supports
 – Railings Terminations
 – Railings Top Rails
Raster Images
 – Fascias
 – Roof Gutters
 – Roof Soffits
Shaft Openings
 – Stairs Landings
 – Stairs Runs
 – Stairs Support
 – Wall Sweeps


Analytical Beams
Analytical Braces
Analytical Columns
Analytical Floors
Analytical Foundation Slabs
Analytical Isolated Foundations
Analytical Links
Analytical Nodes
Analytical Wall Foundations
Analytical Walls
Boundary Conditions
Structural Loads
 – Structural Internal Loads
 – Point Loads
Rebar Shape
Structural Area Reinforcement
Structural Beam Systems
Structural Fabric Areas
Structural Path Reinforcement
Structural Stiffeners


Analytical Spaces
Analytical Surfaces
Duct Systems
Electrical Circuits
HVAC Zones
MEP Fabrication Containment
MEP Fabrication Ductwork Insulation
MEP Fabrication Ductwork Lining
MEP Fabrication Pipework Insulation
Piping Systems
Switch System


Linked topics:

Podržane kategorije kod iskaza broja elemenata u Revit® tablicama

Revit kategorije koje se mogu i ne mogu rezati (presjeći)

11 Nov

How to display beam projection in Revit® plan views

Revit Beams are also known as “Structural Framing”.

Typical arhictectural (floor) plan view shows particular level with it’s cut plane set approximately 120cm from the level. Also, beams from the level above are shown in floor plans. And, here comes our first problem with Revit: what’s the easiest way to show our beams without too much manual interaction?

There are several solutions for showing beams “from above” in Revit floor plan views, each of them having their pros and cons: Read More

10 Nov

Display fire rating symbol with doors in Revit®

In your Revit project documentation, sometimes you want to display parameters or values that are not available in Tag’s Label dialog.

Let’s take an example:

Door fire rating is a system parameter that you can use (and tag) with a door family. But, you do not want to display parameter value but rather a symbol representing value (or a range). There is no way that Revit will allow this to happen using regular Tags, that is, Tag familiy cannot “read” a value and then “decide” what graphic symbol to use. You must do this manually by using “correct” tag or tag type.

There is, however, an alternative solution. It is not coolest solution because it is off Revit’s logic (where model elements and annotations are separated) but it works.

What you need to do is: Read More

28 Apr

Revit® Line Styles

In Revit we have two types of lines: model lines and annotation lines. In short, model lines can be modelled in any kind of view (plan, section, 3D etc.), and they will be visible in 3D (and in other views), hence the name “Model lines”. Annotation lines depend on a view they are drawn in, and they are visible only in that particular view (of course, they can be copied to other views as well), hence the name “Annotation lines”. Both, model and annotiation lines are members of the Revit category called Lines.

Line appearance is defined in the Line Styles tool. Each line style is a unique subcategory of the Revit Lines category. Managing lines in Revit is quite easy, using Object Styles tool or Visibility/Graphic Overrides tool we can turn lines on/off and change their appearance.

Line Styles tool can be run from the ribbon, choose Manage tab, then Additional Settings, and finally, option revit-line-styles-icon Line Styles: Read More